How to prepare the pool for the season?

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Spring is here, which means the pool season is just around the corner or it’s long overdue. Are you wondering how is this possible? The bathing season does not end because of winter, find out how it can last all year round! Regardless of whether we use our pools 365 days a year or only in summer, service and inspection are very important.

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Draining old water from the pool

Drain any water from the pool using the drain or regular submersible pump. It all depends on the type of pool you have. When the pool basin is empty, we do not recommend waiting too long to clean it. Because dirt and deposits from pool chemicals can dry up on the walls, which is a guarantee of additional work. Don’t hesitate!

Cleaning the walls and bottom of the pool basin

Depending on the type of pool you have – check the manufacturer’s manual to see if it is recommended to use special chemicals for cleaning pool sediments. Only the use of pool chemicals gives measurable and long-lasting results. An important consideration is not to use alcohol-based agents. Do not be afraid to use specialized agents, because they facilitate cleaning, disinfecting and maintaining our swimming pool.

Accessories inspection and service

If filters, pumps or heaters are installed in the pool. Be sure to inspect these devices in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions. A very important aspect is regular cleaning of the filter – a dirty filter is a multiplication of bacteria.

Filling the pool with clean water

After cleaning the pool basin and inspecting the accessories, do not wait too long and fill the pool with water. For this purpose, use tap water, the water from the backyard well is often too rich in iron. As a consequence, the walls of the basin become discolored.

The advice contained in the article applies mainly to rack, expansion and stationary pools. Verify all activities with the manufacturer’s manual attached to the product.

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